

HBB-P Test Kit


48 Tests/Kit

Detection of 12 mutations in human β-globin gene (HBB)

Product Detail

The kit is used for β-Thalassemia screening based on polymerase chain reaction and nucleic acid hybridization. The test covers 12 mutations in human β-globin (HBB) gene, including IVSI-5 (G>C), IVSI-1 (G>T), CD30 (G>C), CD41/42 (-TTCT), CD39 (G>T), CD15 (G>A), CD16 (-C), CD26 (G>A), CD8/9 (+G), CD5 (-CT), CD10 (C>A), DEL619bp.The kit is for use on DNA samples extracted from human peripheral blood and will provide a qualitative assessment of mutation status. The results obtained from the test aids researchers in determining correlations between mutations and thalassemia.




The test is based on the technology of multi-color melting curve analysis (MMCA). Mutations are identified by the different Tm values of hybridizing PCR products with the fluorescent probes. According to this design, 12 mutations of HBB gene can be accurately detected in two reactions with HBB-P PCR Mix A and HBB-P PCR Mix B.


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